Be Trendy, Use Hashtaging

The thing is that nowadays the # (hashtag) sign has a completely new meaning, as it has been taken hostage by the term called hashtag. Today, basically everywhere you go on the Web you are faced with #this and #that. The question is: what do hashtags mean for content writing? Well, if you manage hashtags wisely, this symbol can do far more for your business than you could ever imagine.
What is a Hashtag?
Have you ever come across some hashtag that left you in the lurch about its meaning? You’d be surprised to know how many people are faced with the same challenge. Good news, now you can improve your hashtag skills and deepen your knowledge with the help of #tagdef. This is a shortened version, meaning hashtag definitions. Tagdef includes lists of the most popular at-the-moment hashtags, along with their definitions. Some of the examples include: #oomf (one of my followers), #tbt (throwback Thursday), #wcw (women crush Wednesday), etc. There’s a whole bunch of them.
How to Use Hashtags
Once you got an idea what hashtags are about, as well as got some insights into their definitions, your next question is probably how to use them? First of all, for research! At tagboard you can find allmost everything hashed on numerous social media sites. This is a perfect alternative to old fashioned Google search. Once you type some word in tagboard, you will get in results every single thing which was hashtagged with this word. Tagboard is unique in a way that it pulls the hashtags from nearly all social media websites possible, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Flickr, and many others. Moreover, one of its greatest advantages is that you can get the most popular and latest news about the topic of interest.
How to Improve Your Skills
Now that you’ve learned more about hasgtags and how to use them, it’s about time to improve your hashtagging skills and take them to the next level. Twubs is another website which gives a list of hashtags that are categorized by specific topics. Examples include live events, conferences, trade shows, and other topics. In such a way, you can search for your topics of interest and find out what others have to say. Moreover, you can even register a hashtag, so that it could be used for establishing a landing page, which, in turn, is used for hosting chats on social media. The opportunities are limitless, therefore, do not hesitate and start hashing now!