Best Books for College Students: Get Ready for Reading

There are thousands of books written, offering countless book ideas, but not all of them are worth transforming into a detailed book report. If you want to learn from books, Writology team recommends you choose ones that survived over time. College students are looking for their path in life absorbing the values that will help them build their own picture of the world. They have unique interests and preferences. So, the books that can be recommended for college students are special. No matter what career you have chosen, you will need to read a massive list of books that will provide you with the appropriate knowledge and skills. Unfortunately, not all of these books will bring you emotional pleasure. If you are eager to bring bright colors to your life, you need to read the books you are passionate about. College life is the best time to push the limits and broaden your horizons. The best books for college students are always engaging and thought-provoking. In our guide, we are going to provide you with a list of books that will help you relax after your daily routine, and obtain new information about the world you live in.
Before we provide you with the titles of the masterpieces let us help you figure out the importance of reading. Yes, reading is fashionable again. Although the Internet has provided us with multiple opportunities for obtaining information, people still enjoy reading. Let us have a closer look at why it is necessary to read books:
- They improve your cognitive skills;
- They enlarge your vocabulary;
- They help you enhance your grammar and punctuation capacity;
- They help you learn various subjects properly;
- They expand your worldview.
As evident, reading is a particularly important process that will benefit your mental growth in different ways. Now, let us tell you a few words about the books you need to read:
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
It is a story about a shepherd in search of treasure. When reading this book, you will learn a lot of powerful life lessons gained by the protagonist during his adventures. This book teaches how to listen to one’s own heart without paying attention to what other people say. If you really want to fulfill your goals and achieve your dreams, you will need to move forward to it despite all challenges and obstacles. For college students, this book may be particularly interesting as they are looking for additional motivation and enthusiasm for pursuing their goals.
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King
Stephen King is one of the most skilled and talented writers. His stories spark the interest of readers as they are written in vivid language and have interesting plot twists. For a college student, it can be very tempting to learn some tips on mastering the art of writing. In any educational institution, good writing skills are a basis for all endeavors. Thus, we strongly recommend you pay attention to this manuscript as it will help you grow into a proficient and confident writer. This book will help you boost your writing talent and gain excellent academic results.
The Art of Being by Erich Fromm
Simply speaking, Fromm`s book aims to rock your worldview. The main message conveyed by the writer is that society puts emphasis on having instead of being. It results in collective narcissism and prevents people from self-enlightenment. Fromm manages to piece through the fodder and makes the reader start questioning what is wrong and what is right in society. For a college student, this book may help learn how to think out-of-a-box. Although it can be pretty difficult to read, you need to familiarize yourself with the ideas of an outstanding psychologist.
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
Most probably, you have watched a movie with Julia Roberts. However, we recommend you read the book to understand the main messages and insights communicated by the author. In this book, you will learn about the hardships in a marriage, as well as the self-discovery of a young woman. In pursuit of happiness and identity, she is traveling to Italy, India, and Brazil. This book may motivate you to find yourself, as well as travel around the globe learning about your fears and hidden desires.
The Power of Habit by Charles Dubigg
This book became a best-seller as it helps readers understand how to build positive life-long habits. In this book, you will find practical suggestions on how to develop healthy habits and make your time more productive. The book helps its readers understand that appropriate habits may help them lose weight, raise children, build successful companies, and become more productive.
The Power of Habit tells about a young woman. For about two years, she managed to transform various aspects of her life. In particular, she ran a marathon, quit smoking, and made her work more successful. The author claims that the change of habits allowed her to change the patterns inside her brain. As a result, Dubigg convinces his readers that they can use the power of science to improve their lives.
Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
This book is full of satire, hijinks, and comedy. It is one of the most favorite books for many generations. It was written about Stalin`s regime. Hence, it is full of allusions. When reading this manuscript, you will not only broaden your worldview but will also enjoy the masterful description of important aspects of life. This book is regarded as one of the best books of the 20th century. Also, it will enable you to learn about good and evil in the surrounding world. Although it can be pretty complicated to read at first, you will recommend this manuscript to your friends as you will be impressed by its depth.
The Idiot by Elif Batuman
This book captures the interesting oddities and victories of a college freshman. The story begins with the narrator`s first day at Harvard. Then, the protagonist has to face multiple challenges and obstacles helping grow into a mature individual. The experiences described in the book will be particularly reassuring for college students, who face culture shock when joining a particular educational institution.
Of course, there are many other books that college students may get interested in. Even if you have a busy schedule and numerous tasks, we highly recommend you spend time reading as it will enable you to relax and forget about your daily routine. The books mentioned in our list are a must-read for every student. If you are confused about your future perspectives, the insights collected in these books will help you find the best way and achieve your goals.