Business Writing. Make it right!

Business writing is an art, just like any other type of writing. Demanding and sometimes even picky reader always expects to get a creative, specific, and appealing piece. While preparing a copy, you should have your reader in mind and avoid some obvious, but so common mistakes, some of which are really annoying.
As I’ve already mentioned, you have to show good writing skills in the first place; thus, let’s start our blamestorming session.
Grammar mistakes. Business writing should be formal and academic. Of course, the message (i.e. the idea, product, or service you are going to present) has the priority. But! “Does you think grammar do not matter?” Brrr… It really does; no one likes illiteracy, and some people consider it a deadly sin. Therefore, it is always reasonable to proofread your writing or even refer to an editor for professional help.
Misprints. Basically, the issue is similar to the one described above. Shit of paper or sheet of paper can make you sound ridiculous or kill your business plan stone dead. I will repeat myself – reread what you are going to offer to your readers twice, thrice, or whatever –ice times you need to make it simply perfect.
Tautology and repetitions. Do you like parrots? I do, pretty and somewhat clever birds; however, loving a parrot and being a parrot is so different. If you use the same words (tautology) or repeat your message too often, you get at the risk of a) being considered not professional (if you repeat a word – you lack words) and b) boring your reader.
Too professional. In some cases, you will have to write about quite complicated things, and obviously, you will use professional language and words. However, make your writing as much understandable as possible, even to unprepared readers. If you fail to consider this issue, you may sound unclear or even offensive as people don’t like to feel stupid. Avoid too long sentences (40 words is your max) and overuse of specific terminology.
Ill logic. Make sure you have a clear message and all your business writing revolves around it. Follow a common structure for academic pieces – introduction, main body, and conclusion, Try to avoid both being too general and too specific. Strike the right balance! Moreover, do not talk about facts of common knowledge; be a Writing/Business Super Hero and not Captain Obvious! Remember – no lyrical digressions and long stories from your past, on the one hand, and no lectures about the ice point, on the other hand.
Advertisement-like. This mistake is the last but not the least important. Your piece of writing should not sound like a promo campaign as most people just hate advertisement. Psss, me too! “We are the best! …” “Our quality is premium!” “If not we, then who?” and other similar claims sound like “Blah-blah-blah” to me. Of course, even the worst seller on Aliexpress will submit a post praising his products and services. If you want me to spend money, make me believe you! And using old-fashion tricks is not an option anymore.
Basically, you can easily avoid these and many other annoying mistakes by following the simple logical sequence – Always think about how you will sound and not how you write!
Is writing your cup of tea? If yes, you are lucky. If not, you can check for professional business writing help. These guys are really good and have saved me and couple of my friends in the most pressing situations. Timely delivery, perfect quality, and reasonable prices is just what you need and what they offer.