Christmas Ideas for 2019: 12 Marketing Tips to Increase Sales

Why Do You Need Tips to Increase Sales during Christmas?
Is August too early start your Christmas sales? Of course! But it’s never too early to start planning your Christmas marketing ideas. Ecommerce businesses see at least 40% increase in both traffic and sales over Christmas. Just imagine the possible returns on your Christmas time ideas with such numbers: there is almost 50% more likelihood that your offering will be noticed and purchased! Ecommerce ideas and especially Christmas ideas for 2019 must be planned well in advance. Good campaign ideas will see your brand prosper and your product gain popularity. Let’s see the best tips to increase sales over the next Christmas season.
Christmas Ideas for 2019 that Boost Sales
1. A holiday deals page on your website. A separate page on the website with the most attractive discounts is as powerful as Christmas retail displays. You may also opt for banners, Christmas video ideas, or links to various blog posts to increase engagement on the website. Holiday promo ideas on the website may also include Christmas giveaways ideas shared by the bloggers on their Instagram pages and leading with a link to your sales web page. Make it a limited-time offer in order to create some sense of urgency.
2. Email campaigns. Did you think email was a thing of the past and now everyone is focused on social media? Actually, your key online sales are still likely to be generated by an effective email campaign. According to McKinsey, email Christmas marketing campaigns will be at least three times more effective this season than social media marketing. So, for your next holiday sale, get armed with an attractive email campaign with truly great and personalized deals for your customers, and you will see at least a 17% boost in sales!
3. Proximity marketing. The best Christmas marketing campaign is the one that happens seamlessly, and proximity marketing is taking a toll in helping businesses with it. Your Christmas day sales may be advertised in different locations but they will never be as effective as advertising to those who are already close to your store. It means that these people are looking for something that you have to offer! Take advantage of those many hours your potential customers spend staring at their phones daily, and advertise to them while they are nearby.
4. Customer engagement is the key. The best holiday sales happen successfully to those brands which have engaged consumers. For example, a toy store could offer potential customers to look at a moving toy train display. However, there would be no engagement as the buyers would simply stand and stare at it. Offering some hot cocoa and cookies, on the other hand, while they watch – that’s the sales tip of the day which is guaranteed to boost mood and raise engagement.
5. Begin your holiday strategy on Halloween. The holiday season kicks off with Halloween. So, think of one strategy or holiday spirit that you would like to reveal this Christmas with the help of your brand. Easy Christmas crafts to make and sell for profit may be a fast way to get rid of the last season’s stuff but a unique holiday strategy that lasts the whole holiday season will be appreciated by your customers. A creative brand always stands out.
6. Unique packaging and wrapping. Personalization is key this year. One cannot have a great Christmas without some special gift wrapping. Make it your brand’s ‘thing’ and offer unique packaging – ask a few questions about the recipient of the purchased gift and make sure to tailor the wrapping. This personalization is easy but so valuable to the customer.
7. Get emotional with your marketing. One of the best Christmas marketing tips in 2019 is not shying away from emotion. A story has become a big part of many successful brands in 2019. Instead of just describing your product (on the website on in the physical store), tell a story. You can tell a story of what happened to it before getting on your shelves, or a story of what could happen to its lucky owner after purchase. (A bonus tip: rename the ‘About Us’ page on your brand’s website to ‘Our Story’)
8. Seasonality is your ally in online content. If your website occupies a big place among your marketing campaign ideas (and in 2019 it should – no, must!) then make sure to tailor your content to the season. Google AdWords should become your best buddy this holiday season. Pick the seasonal keywords and make sure to use them everywhere – on banners, in product descriptions, in the images’ alt text, and simply in any text on your website.
9. Offering value with the annual shopping spree. Early Christmas shopping ideas should begin on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Make sure that every purchase made by your web or store visitor has some value to it. On one hand, rush event ideas are a great way to boost your profit margin. On the other hand, there are other ideas to increase sales and actually make your brand’s success last. Here are a few of them:
- Offer a year-long discount coupon with every purchase;
- Add a little gift as a ‘stocking filler’ to anyone who makes a purchase;
- Offer an additional or more rigorous warranty for free;
- Cover shipping and return costs during the holiday season.
10. Novelty holidays. Did you know that 11.11 is not just that big online shopping holiday but also a Singles’ Day in China? Your marketing ideas should become more creative as soon as you put your brand out there and ask your customers which holiday they care about more – a shopping craze, or the Singles’ Day? Depending on your target audience and their personal preferences, you may be surprised with the answer.
11. Sell in bundle. Have you seen those bundle product offers with attractive discounts on Amazon? They have been quite successful, especially for the sales before Christmas, because they give potential buyers an idea of which products to mix and match. This strategy can be used both in a physical store and online.
12. Add philanthropic value to your brand. One of the last but not the least ideas for sales for 2019 is cooperating with a charitable or environmental organization and donating some portion of holiday income to the good cause. Mr. Duncan – the Duncan’s Toy Chest’s owner from Home Alone 2 – was one of the first to do this – he donated money to the children’s hospital. Increase web sales and make a difference – people love to justify their consumerist urges with some positive emotions, and charity is the best way to alleviate cognitive dissonance among buyers.
Best Holiday Sales Tips: Putting It All Together
All in all, the festive season sale is a great time to make some profit. However, in 2019, sale is not what’s trendy. It’s all about personalization and caring for your customers. Increasing sales this Christmas season means responding to their pains, solving their issues, and at the same time being a good corporate citizen. These are some creative tips to increase sales but they are also simply the tips on becoming a better and kinder business.