Happy Halloween Quotes, Wishes and Sayings [2022 UPDATED]

![Happy Halloween Quotes, Wishes and Sayings [2022 UPDATED]](https://writology.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/happy_halloween_quotes_wishes_and_sayings.jpg)
Pretty soon the darkest fears of the humanity, fairy tale creatures, and Hollywood horrors will be roaming the streets all across the country. Yes, the Halloween holiday is coming, and it’s a good reason to be excited! We offer special discounts at Writology.com during this holiday so students can buy research papers at affordable price and enjoy this holiday. For some it’s time for arts and crafts, for others it’s a never-ending party, and quite a few people enjoy the traditional part that evolved along with the long history of Halloween.
Although it is celebrated all over the world, it is hard to find a country where Halloween would be a major fall celebration. In addition to that, quite a few major distinctions (e.g. trick-or-treating, haunted houses, festive decorations, corn mazes, mesmerizing jack-o’-lanterns) were developed in the USA.
Various goosebumpy greetings and proverbs also became a part of the celebration, so don’t forget to send your dears scary good wishes, sayings, and the best quotes for Halloween!
By the way, Halloween used to be the Celtic New Year’s Eve. No wonder that the recently deceased, as it was believed, paid visits to their living families on this day – perhaps, it was the last chance to be with their beloved ones on a festive night before they went on to the otherworld for good, as that year’s cycle of life was over. But together with the souls of those people, all kinds of nasty spirits would come to our world as well. As a precaution, the folks of yore decided to pretend like they were one of those malicious beings so that the beings would not harm them. To divert suspicion, they disguised themselves to look just like those evil creatures. And that’s why on Helloween we still dress up as ghosts, monsters, and many other things that usually are not among the living – from fictional book and movie characters to inanimate objects that have suddenly come alive.
Funny Halloween Quotes and Sayings
It’s worth remembering that this holiday is as much about partying and candies as it is about spooky things. Halloween is also a family holiday, so you might want to look for some funny Halloween wishes to send to your family members. These popular sayings would look great on a greeting card or even in a simple text message:
- A candy a day keeps the monsters away.
- I am guilty of eating candy in cold blood.
Another good idea would be to choose a few witty Halloween quotes for a toast or a joke.
- “If I’m lazy and I can’t come up with a costume, I would just wear a slip and write “Freudian” on it.” — Julia Stiles
- “Last Halloween was bad for me. I got beat up. I went to a party dressed as a piñata.” — Jim Samuels
- “I learned something the other day. I learned that Jehovah’s Witnesses do not celebrate Halloween. I guess they don’t like strangers going up to their door and annoying them.” — Bruce Clark
- “I don’t know that there are real ghosts and goblins, but there are always more trick-or-treaters than neighborhood kids.” — Robert Brault
- “I awaken in the Halloween aftermath. Bed covered in candy wrappers. Looking down at my chocolate smeared hands I whisper, “What have I done?” — Reverend Scott.
Funny Halloween Quotes and Jokes [not that easy to find good ones for either]
- On Halloween I sit in front of my house with a sign that says, “I still live with my parents.” I don’t like dressing up, but I still like scaring the kids. – Dan LaMorte
- Halloween was confusing. All my life my parents said, “Never take candy from strangers.” And then they dressed me up and said, “Go beg for it.” I didn’t know what to do! I’d knock on peoples’ doors and go, “Trick or treat – No thank you.” – Rita Rudner
- Here’s a good one from Jimmy Fallon: Krispy Kreme says it will give a free donut to any customer who shows up wearing a costume on Halloween. So if you’re the kind of person willing to take the time to dress up in a costume just to get a free donut, then yes. This is rock bottom.
- For this Halloween I’m going as someone who makes eye contact. – Dean Karrier
Some Halloween folklore:
- I remember when Halloween was the scariest night of the year. Now, it’s Election night.
- For Halloween I’ve decided the easiest thing to do is give up caffeine. If that doesn’t scare the hell out of everyone around me, nothing will.
- My lack of dusting skills will finally pay off at Halloween.
- I got so fed up with trick or treaters at Halloween that in the end I turned the lights out and pretended I wasn’t in. Forget the ships. My lighthouse, my rules…
- I’ll bet living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween.
- Death: I’m not wearing a costume, I’m here to take your sou- Wow, full size Snickers! Nevermind, we’re good!
- November 1st: National Eat Your Kid’s Halloween Candy After They Go To Bed Day.
Halloween Movie Quotes
A dark Halloween night is definitely a perfect time for horror movies and ghost stories. If you want to get some inspiration and feel the atmosphere or dreadful panic (or simply find a good Halloween movie to watch), check out a few famous Halloween movie quotes that create a sinister atmosphere.
- “Haven’t you noticed how nothing in this house seems to move until you look away and then you just… catch something out of the corner of your eye?” — Theodora, The Haunting
- “These eyes will deceive you, they will destroy you. They will take from you, your innocence, your pride, and eventually your soul. These eyes do not see what you and I see. Behind these eyes one finds only blackness, the absence of light, these are of a psychopath.” — Dr. Samuel Loomis, Halloween
- “Something came out of the fog and tried to destroy us. In one moment, it vanished. But if this has been anything but a nightmare, and if we don’t wake up to find ourselves safe in our beds, it could come again. To the ships at sea who can hear my voice: look across the water, into the darkness. Look for the fog.” — Stevie Wayne, The Fog
- “That was a very student film.” — Noah, The Ring
Halloween Love Quotes
What can be better than drinking pumpkin spice lattes and eating candies on a fall date with your loved one? In order to create a special Halloween atmosphere, choose some cute and romantic Halloween quotes and sign 2-3 cards for your sweetheart.
- “Do you believe in destiny? That even the powers of time can be altered for a single purpose? That the luckiest man who walks on this earth is the one who finds true love?” — Dracula
- Don’t let any vampires suck the fun out of your night!
- Just wanted to let you know that I’ll chase all those scary things away from you this Halloween!
- Totally made for each other just like Frankenstein and his Wife!
- Your love potion totally worked!
- “Do you have to open graves to find girls to fall in love with?: — Mummy
- I’m glad to have you as my ghoul-friend this Halloween. Happy Halloween.
- “Real love is to offer your life at the feet of another” — Let The Right One In
Halloween Quotes and Wishes for Kids
Kids Halloween wishes tend to be much less scary or intimidating. If you want to congratulate your kid on the occasion or simply want to make that evening memorable for neighbors’ kids, try a couple of heart-warming kid Halloween quotes that will encourage them to have fun.
- May your Halloween be freaky fun and deathly delicious.
- The sweetest thing I know of this Halloween isn’t the candy. It’s you!
- I hope your treats outnumber your tricks.
- I hope you are able to dance like a ghost this Halloween. Let’s BOOOgie!
- The skeleton laughed at this Halloween card message. It tickled his funny bone.
Scary Halloween Quotes
And of course, this holiday is all about creepy Halloween quotes and sayings. Each year tons of those are printed on postcards, posters, in newspapers, and digital papers. It’s hard to imagine this day without those greetings and spooky wishes coming from everywhere.
- “As spirits roam the neighborhoods at night, let loose upon the Earth till it be light…” — Nicholas Gordon
- “Men say that in this midnight hour, the disembodied have power.” — William Motherwell
- “By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.” — William Shakespeare
- “Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain.” — J. K. Rowling
- “There is a time to take counsel of your fears, and there is a time to never listen to any fear.” — George S. Patton
- “From ghoulies, and ghosties, and long-legged beasties, and things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us!” — Scottish Saying
- “At first cock-crow, the ghosts must go back to their quiet graves below.” — Theodosia Garrison
- “On Hallowe’en, the thing you must do is pretend that nothing can frighten you and if somethin’ scares you and you want to run, just let on like it’s Hallowe’en fun.” — 19th Century Halloween postcard.
- During the day, I don’t believe in ghosts. At night, I’m a little more open-minded.
- May your Halloween be scarier than what goes on every night on the news.
- Despite my ghoulish reputation, I really have the heart of a small boy. I keep it in a jar on my desk. – Robert Bloch
And, of course, Sting’s ever creepy song becomes even creepier on Halloween:
Every breath you take
Every move you make,
Every step you take
I’ll be watching you
Speaking about scary songs to listen to, try the Cure’s Lullaby, a masterpiece of scary when you listen alone, in the dark:
On candy stripe legs the Spiderman comes
Softly through the shadow of the evening sun
Stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead
Looking for the victim shivering in bed
Searching out fear in the gathering gloom and
A movement in the corner of the room
And there is nothing I can do
When I realize with fright
That the Spiderman is having me for dinner tonight
Happy Halloween Birthday Wishes and Quotes
What could be more exciting than anticipating 2 holidays instead of one? If you know someone whose birthday is on the 31st of October, don’t forget to send them Halloween birthday wishes! To make those a little bit more personal, think about including a name of your recipient or some special detail (e.g. a nickname, their favorite candy) that will make that birthday person smile.
- I’m a big fan of Halloween. But I’m a bigger fan of your birthday! Have a happy one.
- Trick or treat, smell my feet, hope your birthday’s extra sweet!
- Were you really born on Halloween, or were you created in a mad scientist’s lab?
- They that are born on Halloween shall see more than other folk.
- Hope your birthday leaves you smiling like a jack-o’-lantern. Happy birthday, pumpkin!
- What kind of weirdo is born on Halloween? One of my very favorite weirdos! Happy birthday!
- Happy Halloween birthday! Hope you have a wicked good time!
There are plenty of ways to wish Happy Halloween to someone you care about. Honest warm greetings that come from your heart are always the best choice!
Halloween Party Decoration Ideas
There’s a lot you can do with cheap Halloween decorations, like old toys and worn sheets. For some reason, dolls seem to have a creepy quality to them – remember Chuckie and his bride or that ventriloquist doll in Dead Silence. To give your dwelling an eerie vibe toy-style, you can put old dolls and stuffed toys, especially the ones that miss some body parts all around your house as Halloween party decorations. If hung in unexpected dark places – like a bathroom before you turn the lights on – they give a bigger scare. You can go a level higher and put old doll’s heads into mason jars, maybe cover them in fluorescent paint for a more thrilling effect. For outside ambiance, you can create a small gothic cemetery with tilted gravestones made of plastic foam or wooden boards and painted. Write some creepy Halloween greetings and draw skulls on them, what have you. Add some artificial cobweb, crows and bats, throw a couple pieces of black cloth on sticks to look like human figures without heads, and a basic level scary graveyard is there to welcome visitors. Depending on the size of your yard, you can strategically place there some poles with glowing jack-o-lanterns on top and cover them with white sheets. You can draw scary faces or put masks of horror movie characters on them. There’s nothing scarier than things that are strange and unexplainable: like skulls with the bodies of toy dogs, giant spider legs with mannequin heads, worn shoes on the ceiling and horse heads in the fridge – you get the idea. Another one of popular ideas for Halloween is attaching scary masks, limbs, hands and feet with no bodies to the walls as if zombies, vampires and Tim Burton himself – or their parts – break into the house out of nowhere, through the walls. We just add some red food or paint to act as blood around that thing, draw some cracks on the wall, and voila. And if your flooring doesn’t get hurt, you can paint or otherwise create a big abyss on the floor, making your guests feel for split seconds like they can really fall down into the dwelling of the evil spirits.
Adult Halloween Party Ideas
As we have established, Hallowing wasn’t primarily a festivity to make fun of monsters but a commemoration of the departed. With this in mind, we think of all the great musicians that have passed away in recent years – the fact that in itself is actually scary. You cannot say that you don’t miss Bowie, Chuck Berry and Prince, to name a few. So, for a Halloween party, instead of the classic spooky stuff, you can have everyone dress up as their favorite musician that is no longer here. The same can refer to people from many walks of life: famous scientists, inventors, writers who have crossed over – whichever fanbase you’re a part of. In this way, you can pick any theme concerned with the zeitgeist of the past, from PlayStation games of the 90s to Ancient Greek gods. As part of the Halloween fun, each guest can mix up their own unprecedented (and thus scary) cocktail – this is called by some “mad scientist’s lab”. Beverages look especially mystifying if you add some dry ice. Giving out spookily-decorated favors and handing out trophies for best costumes always make your party a better memory. Out of all Halloween party themes, there’s one underestimated fun idea: you and your friends go back to your childhood and remind each other what you were scared of, what heroes you loved to dress as – by the way, dress up the way you did when you were little. Make a bonfire, fry marshmallows, share memories and laugh. Your Halloween will turn out more funny than scary, but it’s actually always that way.
Halloween Party Ideas for Kids
There are heaps of Halloween activities for kids. They love DIY; they love outdoor games, especially when adults play with them; and they love getting candy for doing things they love doing – even if it means they have to break a spooky piñata. When you put it all together, plenty of Halloween contests ideas spring up – preferably contests where nobody loses, otherwise the magic dies. With adults, kids can bake cookies and decorate their pumpkins to look like their favorite cartoon or movie characters, after which they all receive a lot of candy for doing such a great job. If you want to make even more use out of the festivity, kids can make those cookies look like something they are really scared of. When the children eat them, tell them that their fears are not such a big threat to them anymore – because they ate those monsters. Unearthly creatures such as fairies (impersonated by adults, of course) can come and put a magical spell on the youngsters (asap, find something sparkly that looks like fairy dust) that will give them strength and magical powers over the creatures of the night; superheroes can tell about their encounters with scary beings, and how they won over those in the end. Not everything in Halloween should be about the fear of looking under your bed – because when the party is over, no kid should accidentally remain afraid, no matter how funny those scares may (or may not) look when they grow up. When you’ve made sure monsters aren’t that scary anymore, kids can play with their imagination and impersonate mythical and eerie creatures as a part of a fun game.
Through years and centuries, the way we celebrate this holiday has changed greatly to show how much better our life at large has become. The practice of asking for “treats” on Halloween supposedly originates from the times when beggars knocked on doors of richer people on “All Hallows Eve” and asked for money in exchange, say, for a song. Now that those dog days are over, we haven’t just stopped performing in exchange for treats, we’re bold enough to threaten with a trick to those who won’t obey the Great Sweettooth Spirit. And so, for some, the biggest fun of Halloween is in horror-movie marathons or funny decorations. For others, it’s in making costumes for their kids or proudly counting all their candy. But the main thing we may not usually notice is that in death the way we do, we celebrate life. Sharing an abundance of sweet joy, laughing at bad Halloween knock-knock jokes and cuddling together when someone tells a spooky story prove once again that now is a great time to be alive. Happy Halloween!