Four Ways to Avoid Distraction for a Freelancer

No matter whether you are a freelance writer or working on some project for a business, when trying to meet a tight deadline there are tons of distractions that can knock you off your initial course. Im particular, there are some of the major distractions to avoid:
1- Handling Work Over-load Right:
For any freelancer, there is temptation to always look for new projects. It is really hard to resist, as in the end, freelancers need to work in order to earn a living. However, if you start giving quotes and consulting for new works before you are finished with previous ones, this is a great distraction that could harm your current project.
One of the ways to focus on one customer at one time (for an increased productivity) is to become unavailable for direct consultation on new works whilst your current work is still running. However this depends on the scope and size of your current work as some freelancers can handle many projects simultaneously. In order to reduce the distraction of new customers, re-direct new job offers to your email, this way freelancers can appraise potential customers at your own leisure, rather than answering the phone every few minutes.
2- Turning-off Social Media:
First of all, directing enquiries to twitter is one of the greatest ways to stay in touch with potential as well as existing clients whilst not becoming overloaded with calls over phone. However, as any user of tweetdeck will indicate, you become inundated with tweeter noises each time your followers post messages which is hazardous to your concentration. In addition, the urge to check your twitter and facebook feed will be difficult if these tabs are constantly open. The solution is simple: check your social media at lunchtime or at the end of the working day, but not during business hours.
3- No Need to Check your Email Every few Minutes:
You may argue that there are important messages that need to be read, however, no matter how many are there in your inbox, they can be read once in the morning and again in the afternoon. Even if you received ten urgent emails, you need time to deal with them not by dealing with every message in turn. If you dedicate 100% of your concentration to every email that comes to inbox then your deadlines are likely to be missed. To put it simply, set aside an email reading time for every day.
4- Noise:
There is always the temptation to turn on music or radio to play in the background. However, this could influence your work negatively. Some freelancers like listening to music while working, other freelancers like the TV on to listen to the news. You have to come up with your own style to handle noise while working, but for many freelancers, inspiration comes with peace and quiet.