How To Find Freelance Writing Work

Join Some Content Website
Content websites are those that hire independent contractors (freelance writers, like you) to produce content for their customers. There is plenty of them, though you should be careful. Remember, that even though you don’t work directly for the associated company, both your name, and your works will be discussed in the context of website content providers. For this reason, you should join a quality content website that has a long history of beneficial customer relations and a solid online reputation. The best option is to do some research before actually joining any website in order to make sure that this is a right company you can do business with.
Go To The Bar
One of the best things of working for yourself is that you have an opportunity to work in a bar. Seriously. Okay, you may choose a local coffee shop if you wish so. The thing is that being seen in public places with your laptop on will likely cause an interest in what is it that you do. That’s the least. The interested party might well be your future customert, therefore be ready to hand them professional business cards with your nameon it, as well as occupation, and email address. You may also include your phone number.
Don’t Be Afraid To Speak Up
Podcasts are becoming more popular these days. The reason behind is that they simply allow all ordinary people become multi tasking like they’ve never been before. People (and your future customers among them) often listen to podcasts while driving the car, cooking for the dinner and before going to sleep at night. This is beneficial if you want to build your freelance writing career in particular niche. Consider starting a podcast series. Don’t worry, if you don’t know how to do this, as there are plenty of materials on the web to help you. These will teach you how to establish and run your personal podcast. If the greater audience likes what you have to say, there’s a great chance that they will like what you write.
Be Your Own Customer
You probably know by now that a continual series of high quality content drives business to your customers’ doors. That is why, you should set up your own blog or even website. This way, you’ll be able to let everybody know what you are writing about, and while doing so, get some extra freelance writing work. In case you don’t know how to set up a website, there are plenty of hosting companies that offer impressive templates designed specifically for people like you.
Look For Opportunities
Don’t be afraid to knock on doors. Bring your business cards to public events and offer your services to various businesses. There’s a lot of freelance work out there, just go and find it. Good luck and come back to share your success stories!