Refined Argumentative Essay Topics to Help You Create a Good Essay

A good custom essay begins with a successful topic. Even if you are complete novice in writing, a well-chosen topic raises your chances of creating a decent essay simply because you will be encouraged to do some research and look for strong arguments. Before discussing argumentative essay topics, a learner has to make sure he/she understands what an argumentative essay is.
How Is Argumentative Essay Different from Other Essay Types
Argumentative essay writing assignment means that a student has to produce a persuasive speech. To do so, it is necessary to explore the topic, gather, evaluate, and synthesize evidence and use it to support the writer’s position.
Be careful not to confuse argumentative essays with cause and effect essays. Although there is some similarity between these essay types, argumentative essays are different due to the amount of research involved. Indeed, you need to perform considerable pre-writing work to take a stand and create a strong thesis statement. Less time investment is necessary to choose a good topic among a great variety of compare and contrast essay topics and then write an essay on it.
Good persuasive writing involves painstaking research. Sometimes professors may also ask their students to use empirical data (collected from research, experiments, etc.). In the course of the research, a learner is able to analyze different approaches to the topic and make an informed decision about which side of the argument to support. This decision is to be expressed in the thesis statement. A clear thesis statement is crucial because the rest of the essay will revolve around it.
Argumentative Essay Structure: Start with a Good Introduction
Similarly to a convincing opening statement in a trial, a good introduction for an argumentative essay takes much time to create but its role is frequently decisive. In an introduction, avoid discursive ideas and generalizations. Instead, provide background information and present the central argument in a concise and persuasive manner.
- Create a Hook
Many inexperienced writers underestimate the potential of the opening sentence and choose not to put much effort in it. However, a good hook helps to attract the reader’s attention, which is vital for the success of an essay. It is a good idea to cite some striking statistics or an interesting fact from a reliable source – they will make the essay work to your advantage starting from the first sentence.
- Describe the Background Information
Putting the reader into the context is another thing a good introduction should be doing. This is necessary if the author wants the readers to understand the topic. For instance, if the purpose of the essay is to argue that the USA should restate the military draft, the introduction should provide relevant historical facts and explain why it was abolished.
- Provide a Thesis Statement
When writing papers of a college level, always pay attention to thesis statements. It is a single, concise sentence in which you summarize the point you wish to make with your written composition. However, it should not be a mere fact, rather, it must assert your position on the topic. An example of a thesis statement in an essay on war would be: “The UNO should redesign its policy because right now it does not avert wars.”
- Things to Avoid in an Introduction
Do not describe the arguments that will be discussed in the body of the paper. Simply introduce your point and save the evidence for the body paragraphs. Apart from that, avoid phrases like “In this essay, I will prove to you that…” You can use them in your draft when crafting the thesis statement but do not include them into the final essay because they bring no valuable information and sound simplistic.
Some Advice on Choosing a Good Topic for an Argumentative Essay
Whether you are inventing a topic from scratch or using top 100 lists of argumentative essay topics found online, be sure to select a topic that is controversial enough to produce at least two different points of view. Apart from that, try to find a topic that interests you. Writing an essay is a time-consuming procedure, so make sure you do not become bored. Another thing to keep in mind is the availability of literature. No matter how intriguing some unique topics might be, remember that you will have to do a research and finding reliable information on such topics might not be easy. So, if you are writing an essay for a middle school, college, or university and do not know how to start, consider the following guideline.
- Analyze Both Sides of the Issue
A comprehensive analysis of the topic is necessary both for taking a position and for supporting it. The objective of an argumentative essay is to provide convincing evidence in favor of your position and explain why the opposing view is weak.
- Collect Evidence
An academic argument is different from the ones happening in the real life. Instead of trying to persuade the reader appealing to his/her emotions, you will have to rely on evidence.
- Write Your Essay
Once you have chosen one of the most appealing argumentative essay topics and gathered the information, begin writing your essay. Follow the instructions provided above and remember to create well-structured body paragraphs and conclusion.
A Few More Things to Consider
- Refrain from emotional language
- Rely on facts and logic
- Use trustworthy sources and cite them
- Create an outline
- Defend your position by knowing its strongest sides.