10 Tips for Blog Posts SEO Optimization (Part One)

Nowadays, SEO is not a standalone practice. Search engine optimizatibecame inseparable from content marketing and social media, and alltogether they form a pillar of inbound marketing strategy. Optimization and keyword research are able to improve positions of blog posts in Google search. At the same time, shares via social media prove it to Google that the content you post is of high quality. No business will reach success without putting extra effort into the contemporary marketing strategies.
No doubt, the volume of content that is available on the internet is continuously increasing. Millions of blog posts get published every day. That is why there is an essential need to follow Google’s quality guidelines and optimize SEO blog posts in order to ensure that content gets the exact amount of attention it deserves. Here are some best practices to implement:
Do Some Keyword Research
Inserting keywords into a blog post that has already been written can be compared to adding sugar to a pie that’s already finished baking. It will not have the same effect as it would if added while you were writing a blog post. You need to do some research to come up with the concepts and topics which drive high volume of search in specific industry, and help to shape your editorial calendar.
Develop an Editorial Calendar
Many people fear that editorial calendars are time-consuming to develop or maintain. Not only will it improve professional organization skills soar, they play an important tool role in writing SEO blog posts. There is no need to write your titles in advance, but topics should be created around keywords. Experts say, both primary and secondary keywords should be included in such calendars in order to increase SEO optimization benefits.
Make Your Copy SEO-Friendly
SEO blog posts are closely related to Google’s quality guidelines. Therefore, you should create content which is relevant to specific keywords you gonna use. You should ensure your content fits the following criteria: First of all, write for real people, who will read your content, not merely search bots. Ensure that your copy is compelling and natural. Second, don’t get too tricky: use your keywords without trying to cover conversion optimization. Third, be unique: the content you develop should have particular value to your readers that they will not get anywhere else on the Internet. On-page content is one of the most important factors in writing SEO blog posts. Just do your best in keywords incorporating and making enough effort to write something remarkable.