Father’s Day Date, Wishes, Quotes and Background

Even though Father’s Day is a rather new holiday, people enjoy celebrating it in various ways. To honor a great contribution our fathers make in our lives, we express our gratitude and love throwing parties, giving presents, calling, writing cards, and spending time with our fathers and father figures.
Father’s Day Date is linked to tragic events but aims to commemorate our dads as important defenders and protectors in our lives. Father’s Day wishes and Father’s Day sayings are important and creative ways of saying thank you for the role they play in raising and nurturing us as responsible human beings. Where would we be without our dads? Great Father’s Day ideas help bond families and let them spend some unforgettable time together as relatives.
Father’s Day Background
The origin of this holiday dates back to a memorial service in 1908. In December 1907, Monongah mining disaster in West Virginia took lives of nearly four hundred men, many of whom were fathers. This tragic event is considered the worst mining accident in the history of the USA.
The start of the Mother’s Day celebration inspired Sonora Smart Dodd to follow Anna Jarvis’s footsteps and push for recognition of all fathers. Her dad raised her along with her five siblings after their mother died. Therefore, Sonora wanted to do the same thing Anna Jarvis did for all mothers – establish Father’s Day to honor all fathers and father-like figures who deserve proper recognition and admiration.
The first Father’s Day was celebrated in June 1910. However, it was not until 1972 when President Nixon officially recognized Father’s Day as a holiday.
Father’s Day Date
Since Father’s Day is not a federal holiday, many of us are now looking for the answers to the commonly asked questions like “when is father’s day 2017?” and “is today father’s day?” Here it is – the third Sunday of June is Father’s Day in the United States.
So when is father’s day this year? In 2017, we are going to celebrate our father on June 18th.
Father’s Day Wishes
With the holiday approaching, many of us are hastily searching for the best way to wish their dad a happy Father’s Day. Surely, you can handle choosing a present for you dad but writing a card can be a tough challenge.
To help you find proper words, we have gathered a compilation of heartfelt Father Day wishes and funny greetings. You can choose the one you like and make it more personal to celebrate your dad in the most intimate way.
Father’s Day Quotes from Son
- Happy Father’s Day to a man who made another man be a decent human being. Thank you for all your support, advice, and love.
- I will always be grateful for things you did for me, Dad. You are my true friend and biggest fan. Happy Father’s Day from a loving son!
- You have always been there for me through thick and thin. I don’t know how you did it, but life seemed easier with you around. Thank you for helping me grow. Happy Father’s Day!
- Happy Father’s Day to the best dad in the world who taught me everything I know and only a few things I shouldn’t. I am forever grateful for your infinite patience and unshakeable faith in me.
- I am a lucky son of a very wise and loving father. Thanks for being my teacher, supporter, friend, and best man. Happy Father’s Day, Dad!
- Dad, you have shaped me into a better man, for what I praise you every day. I will always be thankful for the help and support you provided when needed. Have a happy Father’s Day!
- If I could choose a better dad, I’d be stuck with you again, and that would be another happy childhood to live. Thank you for being the best father a kid can have. Happy Father’s Day!
Father’s Day Quotes From Daughter
- You have shown me what a real man and father should be. Thank you for years of happiness, fun, comfort, peace, and unconditional love. Happy Father’s Day to my daddy!
- I remember a happy little girl I was as if I am her now. Thanks to you, I have warm memories that make me stronger every day. I love you, dad. Happy Daddy’s Day from your big little girl!
- The reason I succeeded so many times is that you were always beside me. Your constant support, wise advice, and never-ending love kept me going in the hardest moments. Thank you for being a part of my life, Dad!
- My life wouldn’t be complete without you. I can’t imagine growing up having a different father. You were my funny and loving daddy who could make his baby girl feel great every day. You are my rock, dad. Happy Father’s Day!
- Happy Father’s Day to my hero! Your love and care inspire me on a daily basis. I am immensely thankful for all you are still doing for me.
- I have always admired your outgoing personality, strong character, and reasonable attitudes. You helped me become a woman I am happy to be. Thank you for being a role model of a good man, dad. Happy Father’s Day to you!
Father’s Day in Heaven
- I hope you can see me from Heavens, Dad, and be proud of your child. I am trying to live the life you worked hard for me to have. You are forever in my heart.
- I wish you were here with me to share the beautiful and happy moments of my life. I miss you, Daddy. All my love goes to your kind and loving heart that raised me.
- You were my teacher and my friend. No other person could ever top your dad jokes. You made my life brighter and easier to live. I will always remember the greatest father in the world.
- I miss the time we spent together. We laughed so much. You were the smartest man I knew, and I loved how you could make things seem more interesting than they really were. Thank you for all that magic and peace. Love you, daddy.
- The world is not the same without you, dad. I miss your presence badly. As much as it hurts to think you won’t be back, I hope to someday meet you and say thank you for everything you did for me.
Father’s Day Wishes and Messages
- Happy Father’s Day to the most awesome dad ever! I am so lucky to have you as a parent. Thanks for being my mentor, advisor, and my man.
- I know no other man who could stand more firmly on the ground. You taught me the most crucial things in life, for what I am deeply grateful. Hope you have a great Father’s Day.
- You made who I am, dad. I will appreciate your work and support until the day I die. Love you. Have a happy Father’s Day!
- Thanks to you, I had the best childhood a kid could want. You gave me everything I needed. Your unconditional love inspired me to be a father myself. Happy Father’s Day, Dad!
- No matter how bad I was, you were always fair and loving. Thank you for making a decent person out of me. I love you, dad.
Father’s Day Scripture
- “The father of a righteous man has great joy; he who has a wise son delights in him.” – Proverbs 23:24
- “He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.” – Malachi 4:6
- “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” – Ephesians 6:4
- “Listen to your father, who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old.” – Proverbs 23:22
- “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.” – Psalm 103:13
Father’s Day Sayings
- “My father didn’t tell me how to live. He lived and let me watch him do it.” – Clarence Budington Kelland
- “It is not flesh and blood, but the heart which makes us fathers and sons.” – Johann Friedrich von Schiller
- “To her, the name of father was another name for love.” – Fanny Fern
- “My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person: He believed in me.”” – Jim Valvano
- “A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way.” – Unknown
Father’s Day Jokes
- Thank for the genes that provided these crazy good looks, Dad.
- Please accept this card as a token of my poverty.
- Thank you for not letting me screw up my life. And yours.
- If dads were bogeys, I would still pick you!
- Today I love you slightly more than I love mom.
Happy Fathers Day Son
- You are a good father, my son. It warms my old heart to see you bringing up wonderful children. Hope you live long enough to spoil your grandkids as I am spoiling mine.
- I am a proud father of a great son and a responsible parent. You are doing so well that I begin to wonder who taught you that. I love you, son.
- Happy Father’s Day to my dear boy! I hope you will enjoy your parenthood as much as I did mine. Still do.
- Your kid is one happy child to have a father like you. I love seeing you a better dad than I ever was. Wishing you a great Father’s Day, son.
- Happy Father’s Day to my son and fellow dad! Keep up the good job and high spirits. You are a loving parent and a true role model. I am very proud to be your dad.
Homemade Father’s Day Cards
You have paid a lot of your attention to Mother’s Day celebration and gifts to your mom that tug at the heart stings and moved her to tears. Your dad is definitely proud of his fatherhood as well as deserves more than just a typical man’s present on his holiday.
Homemade Father’s Day cards can be a great supplement to something practical you will buy for him on this day. He will keep your best father’s day wishes on a greeting card you have made and remember about your love.
Think of typical hobbies your dad may have. Go beyond mere having a barbecue and fishing. Make your dad smile, sending him best father’s day wishes, and that will be a guarantee of his good mood and joy that he has such a good daughter or son.
Happy First Father’s Day to My Husband
- Let this day be special to you this year and for all years to come! I am happy to be your wife and mother to this little handsome boy who looks like you so much!
- Looking at this tiny cute boy, I see you. What would I like to change in my life? Absolutely nothing, my love! Happy Father’s Day to you!
- You are my hero! Happy First Father’s Day, Mr. Perfect!
- Have you ever thought that having a baby is such a joy? Now our lives are knit together for ever with these little hands that hold our hearts. Happy first Father’s Day!
- Looking at our baby, I know that I am blessed. So you are. You make our lives filled with peace, love, and happiness. Happy Father’s Day, darling!
- Now when we have a son, I love you more than a human being can ever do! Enjoy this holiday today and forever! Happy Father’s day, my love.
- All my sentimental wishes for father’s day go to you on this day, my love. I cannot imagine my life without you and our baby. Happy Father’s Day, sweetie!
- I know what happiness it because my father loved me so much. Now you give this love to our daughter and I feel that she is as blessed as I am. Thank you, my love for being so kind and caring! Happy Father’s Day!
Father’s Day Games and Activities to Play with Children
- Father’s Day wishes and messages are a great way to say ‘Happy Father’s Day!”. But games are even a greater way to congratulate such important men in our lives. One of the popular games to play with kinds is called ‘Name That Tool’. If your father is a handyman, this would be the best game to opt for. First, get out your dad’s toolbox. Sit your dad on a chair, blindfolded. Getting out the tools one by one, let the kids describe them so that the dad would guess the name of the specific tool. The goal is to have the most guesses in the shortest timespan possible.
- For Happy Father’s Day, son or daughter can also play another game with him. It’s called ‘What’s in Dad’s Wallet?’. First of all, kids write down a list of 10 things trying to guess what’s in their dad’s wallet. After that, the dad gets out things from his wallet, one by one, naming each of them. The kid gets a point for each item guessed. The winner is whoever has scored the most points.
Father’s Day Recipes
- Whether it’s Happy First Father’s Day to my husband or just greetings from the kids, meat dishes always win (of course, unless your dad is vegetarian). A great idea for this day may be Caprese Chicken or Balsamic-Glazed Chicken. Both meals are cooked with some sweet potatoes and tender chicken breasts. The former option tastes more like a salad as you’re supposed to add mozzarella and some fresh cherry tomatoes.
- A steak burger is another go-to option. Just grill some mouthwatering steak and place it between two fresh buns. No dad can resist that!
- Barbeque party games are impossible without some grilled veggies. Corn, carrots, onions, potatoes, zucchini, and other vegetables will do just fine on the grill.
- Father’s day dinner can also be prepped with some pizza. Be creative and go for some vegan calzone pizza – a pile of curd with tomatoes covered in salty dough all over. Yummy!
- More Fathers day food for vegetarians – Grilled Shrimp Foil Packets. Put some shrimp and veggies (corn, carrots, and potatoes will do perfectly) in foil and let them simmer for half an hour or so. Simple and delish – your dad will love it!
Father’s Day Gifts
- Best 2019 Father’s Day gifts come from the heart. Opt for something handmade this year, like a knitted scarf or simple socks with the symbolic colors. It can be your dad’s favorite football team’s colors, for example.
- Some more trendy Father’s day gift ideas include leather bags, clutches, and wallets. Those are very in this season.
- Good Fathers day gifts are not the most expensive ones. After all, we appreciate the attention, not the price of the present. Go for some wooden watches or glass barware where you can engrave a personalized message.
- Gifts for Father’s day don’t stop there. Experience can be a great gift – a skydiving or horse-riding experience, for instance. Go crazy, and so will your dad!
Great Father’s Day Ideas
This day should never be just an ordinary routine and a number of things to do. There are so many great Father’s Day ideas that can turn a usual Sunday into a firework of funny, crazy, and enjoyable activities. Sending belated Happy Father’s day wishes to dads, it is time to remember that it is also possible to give Father’s Day wishes to a friend, who has just had a baby, or to send funny Happy Father’s day wishes to the relatives who have kids. It is also great to write Father’s Day wishes for son in law and celebrate the holiday together in the unity of love and tenderness. Wouldn’t you be happy to get Father’s Day wishes from wife or Father’s Day wishes from a sister?
Don’t forget to reply to Father’s Day wishes if someone sent them to you. See nice quotations on father’s holiday and add something personal to make your responses memorable.
- Love you dearly! Many thanks for the greetings.
- Kids make my life meaningful. Thanks for remembering me on this day.
- I cherish your childhood memories. You will always be a little child for me. Love you much!
- You make my life accomplished. Now greeting brought tears to my eyes, but those are tears of great happiness to have you as my son.
There is no better way to wish your dad a happy Father’s Day than sharing your love and warm memories with him. Have the greatest time with your dads and remember to remain a grateful child.
Frankly, Father’s day ideas are not easy, and Writology can become your best partner in designing the most special and heartwarming wishes on this day. We all love our fathers and we wish them all the best, but only we know how to put this love in words in the best way possible!