Monthly Roundup: Expert Point of View on Traffic Building

What’s new in the world of SEO and digital marketing? Writology keeps abreast of all the latest events and trends in the industry for you. This month we want to share our most delicious findings on the topic of traffic building. What will change in 2017? How to get on the first page of Google? What to do to get thousands of visitors daily? All that and even more in our monthly roundup!
In his eye-opening article, Tim Suolo brings up the topic of keyword difficulty and its impact on Google ranking. What factors affect Google’s decision to rank your website higher? Should we really chase keywords with the lowest difficulty and how to find the most competitive keywords in your niche? This article is a must-read for everyone who is struggling finding the right keywords to focus on.
How To Gauge Keyword Difficulty And Find The Easiest Keywords To Rank For – Ahrefs
Traffic building is an evergreen topic, and every day bloggers and website owners come up with new ways to attract visitors. Fortunately for us, they gladly share their findings. Some of the methods described in this article are quite trivial or rather classic (like good old guest blogging or blog commenting), but some ideas are truly interesting.
Ravi Bhagwat focuses on both technical aspects of on-page SEO and traffic generation in his article. Though you are unlikely to find any ground-breaking information here, it’s a really nice tutorial with lots of useful links and tools to use. This article comprises everything that a SEO-specialist needs for a successful campaign.
How to Increase Your SEO Traffic in 30 Days – Wpeka
Nathan Gotch shares a SEO strategy that helped to draw millions of organic search visitors to his own website (info backed by impressive figures and charts). Everything you wanted to know about keyword research and keyword targeting, link building, content creation and promotion is here. The article is HUGE, so it will take a while for you to read it, but this is definitely something you should not miss.
SEO Strategy 2017: How to Get 502% More Organic Traffic – Gotch SEO
Neil Patel highlights the most important SEO aspects of 2017. What is going to change and what should you expect from Google this year? And most importantly, what should you do differently in order to keep visitors coming to your website? Welcome an in-depth practical guide for everyone who cares about SEO trends.
How to Create a Killer SEO Plan for 2017 – Quicksprout
If aiming at one or two countries only is not your story and you dream to conquer the world, this article is for you. Clearly, strategies that work for American Google wouldn’t work for the Indian one. In fact, you need to do things differently even if you want to attract Australian or British audience. Go ahead and learn more from Harsh Agrawal.
How To Target Country-Specific Website Traffic – Shoutmeloud
We all comment on different blogs from time to time, but do we know how to do it right? Driving traffic to websites with the help of blog commenting is not a new thing, but not following certain rules can lead to very unpleasant results. Former Moz CEO Rand Fishkin knows how to write perfect comments and get the most out of your comment marketing campaign.
Comment Marketing: How to Earn Benefits from Community Participation – Whiteboard Friday – Moz
And here is your second awesome article on blog commenting published in January. Even though many believe comment marketing is doomed, successful bloggers like Ryan Biddulph and Rand Fishkin prove that it is not true. Learn how to connect with fellow bloggers and grow your own audience through comments. This time on Blog Traffic Builder.
Why a Website Badge Could Increase Your Traffic (and How to Create One) – Elegant Themes
Content marketing is a trend that stays with us in 2017. Eleonora Zolotaryova, a guest writer for Ninjaoutreach, describes main principles of content marketing and teaches how to do it step by step in order to get more traffic and convert it into actual customers. Besides, there are some really cool Sherlock Holmes gif animations in this article for every Benedict Cumberbatch fan to enjoy.
How to Win at Content Marketing in 12 Turns – Ninjaoutreach
Do you own an e-commerce store? Do you want to get up to 259% (!) more traffic? Brian Dean talks about 4 most important e-commere SEO ranking factors and explains how exactly they work. And, of course, shares some tips on how to get more visitors to your e-commerce store. One of his students realized how to take advantage of those factors and managed to increase his traffic dramatically. You can do the same!
Ecommerce SEO – Get Traffic to Your Online Store [Top 4 Factors] – Brian Dean on YouTube