Why Separate Business and Personal Profiles?

Every business owner should have profiles for his/her company on various social media websites. Not everyone knows, however, that there is a right, as well as wrong way of doing online marketing. Just like any other person, a business owner can have his/her personal profile too, the main thing is to keep these two separate.
Don`t Make Your Personal Life Available to Your Customers
Like it or not, some of your clients won’t agree with all the things you do in your personal life. For example, you may like to have a drink every Friday night. Suppose, your best friend Kelly likes taking pics of your fun weekends and posting them on Facebook, so that they also appear on your wall. This is quite a usual situation, however, if your customers happen to be people that do not tolerate alcohol, then you are in trouble and your customers may well turn to your competition. For this reason, your personal and business profiles should be kept separate.
Make Sure That Your Customers Receive the Required Attention
If you’ve been using social media for some time, you probably know how some people can be in trying to contact you. Let’s face it, there are some people that you would rather not talk to, so you choose to ignore them. However, you don’t want the same, if a customer is trying to reach you to ask about your services or products. Therefore, if your personal and business profiles are meshed together, it may happen that you accidently ignore a customer. When the two are separated, this situation is less likely to happen.
Do Your Friends Benefit from Business Posts on Your Personal Profile?
It doesn’t really matter who you are or what you do, you are likely to have many friends that won’t benefit much from your product or service. For example, if you are a 25-year-old that sells life insurance to senior citizens. Your buddies would most likely not want to see your posts about this kind of business. However, based on your content marketing plan, you should post several business updates each day. In such a way, if you are going to to this via your personal profile, some of your friends may simply unfollow, or even unfriend you. You don’t want that to happen, so make sure to separate your business from personal life.
Where Doest it Leave Us?
As the old saying says, there’s a right time and right place for everything. This is especially true when it comes to business and personal profiles. Place your business posts on business profiles, while personal postings should belong to personal pages that are only available to those are close to.