When It Comes To Freelance Writing – Does Appearance Matter?

All customers want to work with freelancers they relate to and the photo is the first way they do this. How important is writer’s profile pic for his employment opportunities?
Professionalism And Creativity
Irrespective of how professional the writing is, most firms find a creative angle plays one of the most important roles in content marketing. Sure, there’s content that does not require a creative angle, for example, press releases. In such cases, it is ingenuity in writing that gives you a competitive advantage.
Some profile pics can look very generic, while others present quite a different spin on what professional employee looks like. You might be drawn to a picture that is creative and flattering, but still has a professional appearance. It is important to understand that “creative” and “professional” are not the opposites.
General Appearance And Details
Many professionals consider looking their best as one of the most important parts of their profile picture. Bad lighting, messy hair, and frumpy surroundings do no good for a professional pic. In fact, customers might even correlate the picture to the writer’s skills, because it may point out to a lack of connection to real world or understanding of the target market.
Assumptions And Dispositions
Without even realizing it, customers assess the small amounts of information they have gathered from the image. It is true that they may form a conclusive idea of personality based on one pic. The freelance writer could seem friendly, energetic, artistic or boring, strange, and a number of other things. In addition, customers may associate a writer’s appearance with somebody they know, and automatically assume you have a similar disposition.
Things Are Not What They Appear
No doubt, some freelance writers might simply not have the means for a professional pic, as things often get tough during the crises. Some technical writers do not feel like applying a creative approach to their picture. While to some degree, a profile pic might serve as a window into the content writer‘s soul, it should not be perceived as a deal breaker. Many customers would be surprised that behind the amateur and unappealing profile picture there is a professional writer who will surprise you with his/her skills.
No doubt, when it comes to professional photos, the first appearance plays an important role. Freelance writers should carefully consider the possible effects that their photo will have on potential customers. At the same time, customers should keep in mind how a pic may influence their decisions.
In general, a profile picture is of high importance and says a lot about a freelance writer. Therefore, writers are encouraged to set a professional photo or a creative pic that expresses their personality. In the end, you don’t get many chances to impress your potential client, so don’t miss out.