Example of an argumentative essay: “Why you need an editor?”

An argumentative essay is a genre of academic writing that requires a student to research the proposed/chosen topic, collect the data and evidence, evaluate the findings and generate the personal view on the topic in a concise manner. The peculiarity of working on an argumentative essay format lies in the analysis of the argument. While in the expository essay writing a student may elaborate on the topic without prior preparations, argumentative writing requires presenting of the deeply researched and carefully defined arguments in support of the thesis. Thus, the strength of the argumentation becomes the critical success factor.
The outcome of the assignment also depends on the chosen topic. If you are assigned the concrete topic, you have no other choice than research the assigned one. However, if you have a chance to choose, try to find the most controversial topic that is understandable and interesting to you. Once you have a topic, it is a time to collect the information, analyze it and decide what ideas and examples will be used to support your topic. The arguments have to be clear and logical. They should be followed by relevant examples and facts. The important detail in writing an argumentative essay is controversy. You have to include a paragraph or two (depending on the length of the paper) dedicated to the differing points. You have to show that differing points are outdated or based on unproven facts. Once you are ready with the body, compose the conclusion. Basically, your conclusion should restate the thesis statement (your main argument) and provide the results of your investigation. No new information should appear in the conclusion.
If you are interested in learning how to write an argumentative essay, you may use our argumentative essay sample as a practice material.
Why you need an editor?
Many authors misleadingly consider that they do not need editing. Some of them would say that they do not like being edited as it hurts their feelings of the author. Some would say they are self-publishing authors who are the only responsible party for the text, so no editor should appear on the title page of their work. Others just suggest that they cannot afford the professional editing service. Regardless the actual reason, there is a strong “No!” in response! Every writer tends to overestimate his possibilities, and only the editor can add the perfect shape to the existing piece of writing. This essay will explain why editing is important for writing a flawless and compelling paper.
An author is too close to the text to see the possible issue or a problem. The author is deep in his thoughts and ideas, so it is difficult for him to look at the paper from the different angle. It is like when one is in the forest, he cannot see what is happening with the top crowns of the trees. Moreover, some issues and ideas may be evident to the writer while they do not look obvious to other people. The editor here represents the audience by reviewing the text by the pair of fresh and professional eyes. So, the answer to the question: “Why is editing necessary?” is simple: He/she is not biased and can give the fresh view on the text, point to the questionable issues and add clarity to the author’s ideas.
Another reason that confirms the need for editing is in our human nature. Every writer, first of all, is a human. And no human being is perfect, nor is any writer. Even when the writer is equipped with the most professional software, he cannot notice all mistakes. Unlike professional editor, a software cannot detect correct intonation and style. Of course, the writer has to find editor that does his work at a master level. The quality of the editing matters. When your work is trusted to a professional editor online, during editing and proofreading you do not need to work your fingers to the bones attempting to achieve excellence. Moreover, no matter how hard you try, you will not notice all problematic areas. Instead, you can save your time and concentrate on the chief ideas, the logic of the paper, and conclusions. Those saying that editing help is too expensive have to calculate the cost of the failed work, especially if this work is a PhD dissertation or any other high-quality text. Even the smallest typos and mistakes can spoil not only the good impression but the entire career of the author. This is an additional explanation of why proofreading matters.
The third reason for why proofreading or editing important lies in the indirect benefits of high-quality editing help. The editor’s comments may inspire writer with valuable ideas and turn them into a new direction. Thus, the cooperation with an editor is a way to receive a significant shake. Of course, the editor will not give the writer direct ideas. However, he/she may point to the weak or successful moments in the work that will give the author a possible direction for the further writing.
Some writers would argue that it is possible to edit your own paper without any external help. It is possible in two cases. First, if you are a professional editor (it means you are not a professional writer). Second, your paper contains not a single word, thus not a single mistake. Obviously, the two cases are inconsistent with professional writing. So, the only option is to agree with the reality and say frankly: I need an editor!
Many authors want to know the significance of the external editing help and find out why proofreading is important. While some would argue that it is possible to avoid the services of professional editors, this paper gives arguments in favor of the editing help. The author is too close to the material to notice the weak points. Besides, it is impossible to get rid of all grammatical, spelling, and especially stylistic errors without professional assistance. The cost of the mistake may be too high. As a non-biased party, an editor may help to broaden the ideas of the author and give inspiration. Thus, it is impossible to write the top-notch text without the external professional look.