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A book review is a piece of writing which provides critical evaluation of the book. Usually it is not long and has a certain structure. The review gives readers the summary of the book including the information about the author;...
Star Wars is one of the most popular film series and branded merchandise in our history. The impact of the Star Wars franchise is enormous, far-reaching, and sometimes even life-changing. Having started in the 1970s, Star Wars continue developing and...
What’s new in the world of SEO and digital marketing? Writology keeps abreast of all the latest events and trends in the industry for you. This month we want to share our most delicious findings on the topic of traffic...
A case study is a process of research on a particular development or situations that require detailed assessment over time. A phenomenon is examined to understand it in the real life setting when it is not readily understood. Data is...
This is Tommy. Tommy is a student. He needs to write a good essay on a serious topic. Tommy is smart. He knows his professor uses plagiarism detectors and his essay should be one-of-a-kind, otherwise he gets expelled. His friends...
The French have always used their paradoxes to explain or un-explain the things that shroud life in mystery. One paradox that grips my own life is the saying, “Life Gets Better – When You Do” The reason I believe that...
Many people believe that the fact that men and women have different life experiences influences the writing of male and female authors to some extent. Some critics have a firm belief that unlike female authors, males are not capable of...
2016 in details. Was this year tough or easy for the world? 2017 is coming, leaving the difficulties of 2016 behind. Undoubtedly, we will welcome 2017 with a very special treatment. Of course, every year brings both negative and positive...
Marvel and DC are known as two kings of comic books, which have millions of fans all around the world. Some people like both of them and enjoy reading about Spider-man, Hulk, X-men (Marvel), as well as about Superman, Batman,...
Very often when shopping online we don’t buy certain products, sometimes even really good ones, simply because their product descriptions are not compelling enough. They may lack emotional triggers or fail to provide specific details that make this particular product...