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Find Your Optimal Environment It’s a proven fact that the bases of effective work is productivity, just as the fact that productivity is impossible without practice. The interesting thing about discovering your optimal work routine is that it differs from...

By: Jenna Brandon July 4, 2014

The thing is that nowadays the # (hashtag) sign has a completely new meaning, as it has been taken hostage by the term called hashtag. Today, basically everywhere you go on the Web you are faced with #this and #that....

By: Jenna Brandon June 22, 2014

It’s time to focus on improving customer service, and there is no better way to do it than via the Internet. It’s not just convenient and easy, but also gives you an opportunity to gain way more than you ever...

By: Jenna Brandon June 2, 2014

4. Take into Consideration the Reader Experience Formatting content for clarity is one ofthe best content marketing practices. Numbered lists, bullet points and compelling images all come in handy. No long sentences should be used. The main purpose is to...

By: Jenna Brandon May 16, 2014

Nowadays, SEO is not a standalone practice. Search engine optimizatibecame inseparable from content marketing and social media, and alltogether they form a pillar of inbound marketing strategy. Optimization and keyword research are able to improve positions of blog posts in...

By: Jenna Brandon May 14, 2014

Threre are few terms that should always guide any type of content writing: right message, right place, and right time. Timing means a lot in content writing, especially for freelance writers. This advice is especially relevant when it comes to...

By: Jenna Brandon April 22, 2014

There are several certain ways you can follow to make the editing process less routine and more fun. 1. Don’t Worry, Be Happy! What do you consider to be the worst part about process of editing? Is it the great...

By: Jenna Brandon April 11, 2014

Content writing for the online sources is a distinct writing technique which comes with its specific skill set. It includes using the keywords. If a writer is not familiar with the term and doesn’t know what a “keyword” is, this...

By: Jenna Brandon March 28, 2014

Learn as Much as You Can about Freelance Writing Many people would probably think that the basic thing to become a freelance writer is to actually write. This is definitely true, except that there are lots of rules for freelance...

By: Jenna Brandon March 14, 2014

No matter whether you are a freelance writer or working on some project for a business, when trying to meet a tight deadline there are tons of distractions that can knock you off your initial course. Im particular, there are...

By: Jenna Brandon March 12, 2014
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