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Finding a freelance writer for the job you have in mind may be a tricky task when your budget is limited. Fortunately, you do not need to pay a ridiculous amount of money to a writer in your neighborhood, just...

By: Jenna Brandon October 4, 2016

Run out of the original ideas for your website? Oh! Don’t worry! It is not a time to close your website! Everyone once in a while may face a “creative” crisis with the lack of motivation and inspiration. Maybe it...

By: Jenna Brandon September 27, 2016

Writing a good resume is essential if you don’t wish to extend your job search campaign to one or even a couple of years. Although a flawless resume or CV doesn’t guarantee your employment, it certainly can make a big...

By: Jenna Brandon September 20, 2016

A sales letter is a very important tool in the hands of businesses that help them expand their customer bases. Since most people use email accounts for communication, companies often choose this channel to attract new clients. However, creating a...

By: Jenna Brandon August 23, 2016

There are many tools to assess the effectiveness of a website in encouraging the users to surf its pages. Bounce rate is one of the most common and probably the most efficient indicators of visitors’ engagement. It is a percentage...

By: Jenna Brandon August 15, 2016

Among those who wish to become writers, most believe this is an exciting career choice (which is true). Writing has always been a prestigious choice, although very few people are aware of the fact that being a writer is also...

By: Jenna Brandon August 8, 2016

For those who are getting ready to become students, it has become a real quest to know what student life has in store. All young people hope to successfully earn a degree and then get a good job. But the...

By: Jenna Brandon July 8, 2016

A persuasive essay is the type of writing used to convince the reader of a validity of one’s idea. The main idea of the writing is to present the strong argumentation that will convince the reader. It is not enough...

By: Jenna Brandon June 17, 2016

Critical essay writing is not a standardized type of writing you used to learn as a part of academic writing. Critical writing calls for something bigger than just reporting. It is the most sophisticated form of wiring that requires critical...

By: Jenna Brandon April 27, 2016

Things that concern educationists all over the world do not differ much from country to country. How long should the school day be? What classes should be made mandatory? When should a school year start? What is the maximum number...

By: Jenna Brandon April 11, 2016
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