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The more people use the Internet, the more companies are willing to invest into different kinds of online tools that are supposed to help them sell their products and services. One of the most popular things the companies do today...

By: Jenna Brandon March 28, 2016

Anchor charts are vital tools to enable writers illustrate their ideas. When brainstorming for writing, writers can use anchor charts to make their ideas visible. Thus, recording of brainstormed ideas, the strategies employed, cues and processes that the writer uses,...

By: Jenna Brandon February 25, 2016

It is most likely that your interest in becoming an editor is caused by your love for language and literature. Do you love to read? Are you cringing when you see a spelling error somewhere in a magazine or on...

By: Jenna Brandon February 11, 2016

The process of writing is very complex as well as the science behind how a writer articulates ideas into a story. Understanding how the brain works when a writer is writing helps us to perceive how music affects and assists...

By: Jenna Brandon January 11, 2016

Occupational diseases are diseases that affect workers such as writers by being in a particular profession. There are many writers’ diseases based on the nature of work done by the writer. Importantly, writers suffer illnesses that originate from the wrong...

By: Jenna Brandon January 5, 2016

Many people tend to think that they are good at writing emails as they send and receive them every day. However, do people respond your emails in the way you expect them to? Or do they simply ignore your messages?...

By: Jenna Brandon December 10, 2015

Business writing is an art, just like any other type of writing. Demanding and sometimes even picky reader always expects to get a creative, specific, and appealing piece. While preparing a copy, you should have your reader in mind and...

By: Jenna Brandon November 26, 2015

According to statistics, every second Internet user has an account in at least one social network. No wonder that today everyone is using the enormous power of social media to promote business. Business writing is an inevitable part of in...

By: Jenna Brandon November 16, 2015

Often times, success can be an outcome of not what you should do but of knowing what you should avoid in writing. With regard to your job, business writing will be an integral element of your daily activities, as it...

By: Jenna Brandon November 12, 2015

When writing a piece of information, the final variant of the title is usually written at the end. However, it is the first information a reader sees before deciding whether to read an article or not. Therefore, it is important...

By: Jenna Brandon November 3, 2015
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