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Among those who wish to become writers, most believe this is an exciting career choice (which is true). Writing has always been a prestigious choice, although very few people are aware of the fact that being a writer is also...

By: Jenna Brandon August 8, 2016

For those who are getting ready to become students, it has become a real quest to know what student life has in store. All young people hope to successfully earn a degree and then get a good job. But the...

By: Jenna Brandon July 8, 2016

A persuasive essay is the type of writing used to convince the reader of a validity of one’s idea. The main idea of the writing is to present the strong argumentation that will convince the reader. It is not enough...

By: Jenna Brandon June 17, 2016

Critical essay writing is not a standardized type of writing you used to learn as a part of academic writing. Critical writing calls for something bigger than just reporting. It is the most sophisticated form of wiring that requires critical...

By: Jenna Brandon April 27, 2016

Things that concern educationists all over the world do not differ much from country to country. How long should the school day be? What classes should be made mandatory? When should a school year start? What is the maximum number...

By: Jenna Brandon April 11, 2016

The more people use the Internet, the more companies are willing to invest into different kinds of online tools that are supposed to help them sell their products and services. One of the most popular things the companies do today...

By: Jenna Brandon March 28, 2016

Anchor charts are vital tools to enable writers illustrate their ideas. When brainstorming for writing, writers can use anchor charts to make their ideas visible. Thus, recording of brainstormed ideas, the strategies employed, cues and processes that the writer uses,...

By: Jenna Brandon February 25, 2016

It is most likely that your interest in becoming an editor is caused by your love for language and literature. Do you love to read? Are you cringing when you see a spelling error somewhere in a magazine or on...

By: Jenna Brandon February 11, 2016

Every blogger knows how effectively images grab attention and attract visitors. We spend hours writing in-depth articles full of valuable information, but at the end of the day they are nothing without images. So we spend another couple of hours...

By: Jenna Brandon January 19, 2016

The process of writing is very complex as well as the science behind how a writer articulates ideas into a story. Understanding how the brain works when a writer is writing helps us to perceive how music affects and assists...

By: Jenna Brandon January 11, 2016
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